I'm pondering taking on the epic task of photographing myself wearing every single thing in my closet, and maybe all of my lipstick colors, too. Many people here have been amazed at how different outfits look in the camera versus the mirror. Perhaps I need a different perspective, too.

I noticed in my graduation photos that the lip gloss I was wearing, and which I wear all the time, is way too pink for me. My sister described one of my new-ish shirts as "awful", and insisted that I wear a skirt that I always feel frumptastic in because she thought it looked really good on me. Then there are the things that my husband thinks are cute but which seem ugly to me, or vice versa. Since I still haven't finished my closet purge and remodel project, it could be a good way to speed up the purging process and help remove some of the weird guilt attached to certain clothes if I could see them a bit more objectively.

Has anyone ever managed to do this? How long did it take you?