About a month ago, I did a post about how I am going to edit and review my closet. http://youlookfab.com/welookfa.....w-insights . I am happy to report that I have made a huge pile of clothes that will be donated. I was also able to create a workwear capsule with 3 pants, 5 tops and 2 jackets ( a couple of scarves and jewellery were also used ). Pics of capsule are added at the bottom. THe three pants i chose for this capsule are black boot cuts, grey/black checked boot cut and gap real straight jeans in dark wash. THere are no pictures with Gap real straight jeans but you get the idea.
I am not sure where to go from here. Should i try and create another capsule? I am still left with a lot of items that are part of my temporary keep option. Should I try these items on individually and post on YLF for your approval?

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