I have been sticking with a $250 every two months budget this year. Even when I try and SYC I still end up spending this amount lol! I am thinking ahead to next year, after we will have moved back home and jobs (whatever they will be) won't be as lucrative as what we have coming in now.

I, like many here, have been buying quite a bit in trying to revamp my wardrobe. I had many 5 years, and older, pieces that needed updating. Next year I hope to reign things in and contemplated a whole year of SYC. But I don't know if I will need new work clothes, if my old job isn't hiring for the season. Also, I am scared at the prospect of NO new purchases lol. So I'm trying to figure out a budget that's restrained but realistic. I want to stop the idea of acquiring all the time, but don't want to put the brakes on only to have to revamp all over again in a year's time.

I'm thinking $250 every three months, for $1000 all year. In theory, this will allow me one fabulous thing at spring, summer, fall, and winter. Or a few good quality replacement basics each season. Should I look at even less of a budget? I have 160 items - realistically enough to get me through all year.

To those of you who have that magical working wardrobe - what shopping frequency keeps it working that way for you? Do you take a big trip out for spring/summer and another for fall/winter? Or do you pick up pieces as you go? Is the budget the same as when you revamped or can you get by with buying a lot less?

I always feel like I'm playing catch up.