There's a new aggressive advertisement campaign in my city from a store that sells upscale ladies clothing that tells you on the radio that YOU CAN advance in your career and don't let people think that you have no ambition by what you wear!!!

They sell some name brands that I do recognize, but they have a very modern-chic-tailored approach to their clothing, and they are offering $2000 shopping credit for graduates that you pay back in increments.

I thought it'd be nuts for anyone to go into debt by buying clothes to "hope" to do better for themselves. I am not really sure what career types that they are appealing to, but I think under Angie's expert tutelage I've never been tempted to shop at price points that are beyond my means and I don't think my career has suffered because of it.

My staff mentor told me that I should consider shopping at a place like this because I could afford to do so. I guess I can, but I don't like that aesthetic. I like my fit and flare and that whole store is probably about as anti-fit-and-flare as anything. But they do have $800 rain jackets.

I have only received (ever) positive feedback about what I wear to work - except this suggestion from a male mentor to go to buy aspirational clothing. Should I interpret this as - "You can afford expensive, professional clothes now" or that I should wear $800 rain jackets and go on $2000 shopping sprees to communicate to my higher-ups that I am "serious" about my job? (Haha, slightly tongue in cheek here, I'd never financially compromise myself to buy clothes)

BONUS PICTURE OF A PUG. Because they are awesome.

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