I have a few minutes (11 to be exact) before heading into a meeting and wanted to quickly jot down some thoughts and observations lately about my style and hear what you think and see relative to those.

I used to know what my style was and my rubric involved structure, color, urban, and retro. Much of that has changed with my new-found need for comfort and ease in my outfits. It has also changed somewhat due to my foot issues and the need to remove most heels from my wardrobe.

But I'm starting to wonder if what I identified as a need for comfort and ease in my outfits is actually an overall unhappiness with my body and shape and the need to disguise/hide it. Whoa...that was actually a little painful to put in writing... (I won't get into what I'm doing in order to try and remedy my weight - y'all have heard enough about that.)

And I'm wondering if this need to hide this area or that area is actually causing me to make purchases that later on I will regret?

My style appears to be all over the map - this week is a perfect example. One day I wore a black suit with a crisp white shirt where everything was reasonably tailored and then the next day I wore a "sack style" dress with a drape cardigan. I mean...WHO AM I???

Anyway...gotta run to my meeting. Will do some more thinking and come back.