I’m a fickle reader who goes through phases. I can go from devouring one big, fat novel after another to suddenly switching to short stories only. I’ll be having a ball exploring new names in fiction until the mood strikes me and I really feel like revisiting old favourites. Try and stop me when a fantastic series comes along, I’ll read all the books in a matter of weeks. Or I’ll deliberately go slowly and savour every word written by a brilliant writer without so much as a glance at a different one. And then there are months that variation is the name of the game, and the big pile on my nightstand contains everything from cookbooks over travelogues to sci-fi.

Right now I want short. Super short, in fact, but still with a bit of bite. That’s when quotations books come to the rescue. They can be light and funny, poignant and thought-provoking at the same time. And the best part is that in a few sentences max you get entire worlds of opposing viewpoints to ponder. 

For all the fans of a good quote I’ve added Obsessed by Dress to our bookstore. Writer and dance critic Tobi Tobias has collected centuries of folk sayings, bon mots and quotes about fashion. From mirrors and dishevelment to defying convention and dress as self-expression. Observations from times past and present have been cleverly arranged into themes that are sure to still spark conversation today.

Are you into quotations books at all? What’s your favourite quote about style or fashion?

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