YLF members in different cities around the globe will be holding simultaneous swap parties during January of 2011. YLF member Antje is coordinating the overall event.
The clothing swap is a wonderful way to conserve the environment, save money, and at the same time get new (to you) items that rejuvenate your wardrobe. Previous swaps held by YLF community members in Seattle have been a great success.
Participating in a Swap Party
Details of the individual parties and their organizers are on the right hand side of this page. Please send a private message to one of the organizers to get involved in the party that they are hosting. If you don’t have access to private messaging (e.g. if you are a brand new YLF member), then get in touch by by sending email to swap [at] youlookfab [dot] com.
The “ground rules” for participation are simple:
- Let the organizer know you’re coming. Send a private message and identify yourself with your name and email address.
- Bring five or more items to contribute to the swap. Clothing, shoes and accessories are all welcome. Please make sure that items are in good and clean condition.
- Be prepared to take home more or fewer items than you brought. This is not a literal item for item “swap”. Rather, it is an opportunity to pass on items that you don’t have a use for anymore, but that others may treasure for years to come.
- Have fun!
The organizer of the party that you are attending might also have some additional information and guidelines that they will share when you get in touch with them.
Hosting a Swap Party
Are you inspired to host a swap party? It is a fun and rewarding experience. If so, please let us know by sending email to swap [at] youlookfab [dot] com. We will publicize your swap on this page.
Read Antje’s helpful tips to find out more about what’s involved in hosting a great swap party.