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FortiClient VPN provides a secure tunnel for remote network access. This security layer protects tunneled data. The protection prevents unauthorized use of stolen data. Fortinet offers FortiClient VPN as standalone software for Windows and other operating systems. Although free, it provides few features and no technical support.
To use FortiClient VPN, you must accept to a notification when you first open it. After agreeing to the warning, choose SSL or IPsec VPN in settings. SSL VPN on Windows Server 2016 requires disabling IE Enhanced Security. The settings window lets you name, describe, alter the port, enable single sign-on, allow client certificates, choose an authentication mechanism, and add a remote gateway. If one remote connection fails, the VPN will try the next.
SSL VPN dual stack, which allows IPv4 and IPv6 traffic over the same tunnel, is also disabled by default. Check the box next to the right choice in the settings window to enable it whenever needed. Not having an offline setup is Download FortiClient VPN's biggest drawback. The online installer is significantly slower and keeps the progress indicator on until the download is complete.
Home-based workers require a secure link now. Connecting to a company's computer over a public network is perilous, but sometimes you have to do it. Here, FortiClient VPN saves the day. A secure tunnel connects workers' computers to the company server. You can move the progress bar to the side to do something else while the download finishes, but keeping it on the screen makes it tougher to use the computer.
19 October
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