I was delighted to come across Grechen Reiter’s article “8 Fashion Bloggers over 40 You Should Know“. For even more fab over forty blog inspiration she refers us to the marvelous blogroll on Citizen Rosebud.
Ecosalon brings us a roundup of five new green fashion voices, eco style bloggers with a heart for sustainable design.
Meet Tiany Kiriloff, style chameleon and mastermind behind the successful Belgian lifestyle network Belmodo. You might have seen her pop up on international street style blogs, but she also shares her eclectic outfits and style musings in her own fashion corner on the Belmodo website.
Fab Links from Our Members
Deb, who wears Warby Parker glasses, found this video interview quite interesting, especially the part about customer tracking.
Did you know that nail polish remover or rubbing alcohol can help remove ink stains on white jeans? Cocolion points us to this blog post with 4 more handy tips to keep your white jeans white.
Annagybe loved this Great Gatsby inspired photo spread with actress Carey Mulligan as Daisy Buchanan.
“Yet even I, deep down, still believe the lies. That I have to buy this stuff or else – or else what, I haven’t quite figured out.” Vildy found this older quote from a former Marie Claire editor and self-proclaimed fashion addict still very relevant today.
Angie is happy to see that more blokes are wearing white jeans these days. This look launched her into orbit.
Dress how you want and wonderful body acceptance advice over at Wardrobe Oxygen. Milehighstyle (Linda) loved Alison’s blog post “because sometimes I just want to wear the shoes that make my legs look stumpy too!”
Dove asked a former forensic sketch artist to create two illustrations of a number of women. The first one is based on their own description of themselves. The second drawing is based on how someone else in the group perceives them. Ironkurtin recommends watching this eye-opening video to see the remarkable differences.
Mander recently visited an art exhibition with some fashion-inspired pieces she wanted to share with us: a square metre cube of YSL lipstick, and a painting of faceless celebrity types posing at an unnamed media event.