Greyscale, I'm a climber too! In fact, I just got back to the gym this week after a break due to partner being gone and work schedule. Maybe I should have picked a sport that would balance my body by building up my lower half, but on the other hand, rock climbing was a no brainer with my upper body!

It's great to do a sport where being small can be an advantage - grace, balance, and courage are just as much a part of it as strength and endurance.

Man, it's a relief to hear that other people get stuck in fitting rooms too. I'd thought I was just really overly optimistic when trying things on!

I started working out a lot recently (climbing, lifting weights, etc) and it's gotten to the point that everything I put on on top catches on my shoulders - even button up shirts!

Hahahaha, I'm dying here. You guys are hilarious. I also have rumpus for everyone, will gladly donate!