here i am, late to the party... but WOW, shell! i love it!!!! i just watched grease again on tv (i love that movie, and i'm not ashamed to admit that i know every word of every song :P) and your transformation is giving me a total 'sandy' vibe, from prep to vixen! of course, that you actually ARE a biker is just icing on the cake

Shell, you're a biker chick! I cannot tell you how uber cool and totally fab I find that Love the outfit and all the careful details and touches. You look fantastic! It's so fun to see pink and pearl girl go all black and studs on us

haha - i love the grease reference, hanna! it does feel a little like a "sandy" transformation!

kari - i did try to sneak in a few shell elements! i was tempted to throw in some pink and pearls, since i think they can fit into a biker chic theme, but i had too many other accessories going on!

thanks again for all for your sweet comments!

Daaaaang!!! You brought the funk...for, bike, studs and all!

Niiiiice...very niiiiiice!

Glad you had fun too!

Ha! I thought the exact same thing as Hanna when I saw your photo, Shell!

You look great. I LOVE your hair! I know biker chick isn't really your thing, but I think that might be a great element to incorporate into your regular "repertoire." There's something very retro and funky about it.

Nice job!

Well done Shell!