Well done MG!! I love your skinnies outfit the most!! This was a tough one! Wow! Kudos to you for doing it so well! And yes jewellery and boho flare is definitely how I see you as well!

It is wonderful to watch these transformations from the sidelines. What an amazing job, MG. I'm especially impressed that you went so far as to pull your hair back and highlight your face more to emulate the effect of STW's pixie cut. You must get extra points for that! And BTW, I love that lip shade on you. Lovely pics, all of them.

Woot! <cheering and stomping> This was a terrific challenge, and fabulous execution! I love the idea of selecting another YLFer to use as the style model. That was truly inspired.

[For everyone who hasn't given a challenge yet and who is worried about coming up with something equally brilliant, don't worry -- remember, one of the initial ground rules was that it was fine to repeat a challenge that had already been given, if you felt it really suited your challengee.]

And now fasten your seatbelts, because according the random number generator, MG gets to challenge #8, which is our own MaryK!

Hil, you get to claim your spot on the "Particularly Clever Challengers" bench. Job well done!

Another awesome challenge, and outfits. And your make-up is lovely!

How creative, Hill.

And you nailed it, Museum Gal, right down to the make-up. #3 is particularly good. Well done. xo

Loved this - fantastic interpretations MG You do look amazing in blue.

Great job Museumgal! I don't know if I can pick one as a favorite. You look fantastic in all of them.

Nice job of stepping outside your comfort zone! All the looks were great but I think the ladies who lunch dress was my favorite.

I like it all - I can definitely see you in the colors and shapes, but it's also a great interpretation of STW's style!

Great job, MG! What an interesting challenge. #3 is my favorite, although I can see them all on you (with a few more pieces of eye candy!)

Hil, this was a fabulously creative challenge!

And MuseumGal, you look amazing! I am smitten with every one of your ladylike looks...probably because my own style is so feminine. Great interpretations of STW's style.

Sarah the White is one of my dearest friends and I have to say you nailed her style, especially look #3. Pulling your hair back really shows off your beautiful features.