Some key realizations there, Deborah! I'm glad for you. Just think how much more you'll uncover in the days ahead.

I saw this thread yesterday, but had no time to read or post, but I knew I wanted to come back to it.

This is something I've been thinking about as well. Not so much the uniform side, but the work vs home persona. I've become fairly happy with my casual wardrobe over the last year, as I've realized some of the elements I like to incorporate suit my casual life better... BF jeans, semi tucked tees, funky footware... But I struggle a bit with work. I work almost full time, so am in the office 4-5 days a week. I'd say my office is business casual, with the odd time a suit or jacket is needed - conferences, meetings with the Big Whigs. Most of my wardrobe is for work, as even on weekends and evenings, if I'm not going anywhere, I change into gear (yes, still... please don't kick me out...) I find it tricky to incorportate a little "edge" into my work wardrobe, it gets boring reeeeal fast. It's very easy for me to be presentable and boring, I'd just rather not be :). So that's my focus for this winter, and one of the reasons the pleather culottes I recently posted appealed to me - a little different, edgy, yet totally work appropriate. We'll see how it goes!

I loved reading all the responses on this, thanks for posting Deborah. I look forward to following your "journey".

This is a great thread. I tend to sport printed/logo tops on weekends but I cannot sport them to work. I also wear hoodies on weekends, although I tried to sneak in wearing a plain hoodie under my blazers last fall/winter season.