Janet, I am just living with the harsh line of demarcation (HLD)! It sucks but it's also not worth it to me to put in the effort to care. We will see if my stylist has an easy fix tomorrow - she may recommend highlights along the already-dyed lower part which will eventually be cut anyway.

Una, I see no harsh line on you -- it looks like highlights already, which is really cool.

Mine would be harsh even though the hair is light, I fear. Because it would be the contrast between brassy blonde and ash. Ugh. I shudder for my fate, but will simply have to grit teeth and bear it, I suppose.

Ok - I have to come back in to say . Elizabeth, I have just finished killing myself laughing at the exploding sheep visual you have now planted in my head . I seriously have not laughed out loud like this in too long. Ah, ladies, what would we do without each other for comic relief?

Suz, I'm just back from a few days away and am catching up. I haven't read all responses yet.

You may recall I went 100% platinum some months back;). I actually don't recommend it. It was fun for a little while but the upkeep (I am a natural dark blonde) and the damage to my hair was just too much ( despite really looking after it). I am still having the platinum blonde but letting my natural low lights show through. I find it's better for my hair and I think it liooks better against my skin tone. I hear you on not wanting to have that faded look but it doesn't have to be like that if it's done week and with particular intention. I can talk for ages on the subject of going platinum so feel free to PM if you think I can share anything of value. xx

Late to the party but what an interesting read. At first I thought it was a great idea then I read all the pros and mostly cons. Sounds like you have a good plan in place, Suz. And I LOVE the term "radiant health" too. Wow. Awesome. I agree with Gaylene that there's something about late February. It's not even cold over here, but I've been mulling over chopping my hair too. Must be time when we crave change. Heck anything to try to get rid of the pale, dark, baggy eyes for me,,,,....ahhhh.

Suz, I think that you and I have similar coloring, and I have been waiting impatiently for my hair to whiten naturally! We Summer-type ash blondes tend not to be afraid of going gray--on us, it just looks silvery and blonder--but it is very difficult for hair dressers to understand that; their instinct is to "warm up" hair color for women of a certain age. Because my gray hair is awkwardly centered in a band along the top of my head, I've been having my hair highlighted for years. The highlights blend in with the darker ash and cooler silver gray for a very natural look for me. But every time I have the highlighting done, I must repeat, "No gold. No yellow. Paler, please, ash blonde." The last time I went to the hair dresser, he talked me into adding taupe lowlights for depth. It sounded reasonable, but the results felt brown and drab to me, and like you, I found my thoughts straying to . . . platinum. Not all-over platinum, but platinum highlights, fairly chunky ones (which is actually what I think Sharon Stone has--so gorgeous) that will again blend with my natural dark blonde and silver, but in a frostier way, avoiding yellow. If your hair is strong and bleaches quickly, as mine does, I think this could work for you, too, while avoiding that period of all-over color, which tends to be harsh and draining on Summers. I actually think that a few high-contast platinum streaks can look more sparkling and dramatic on us than either one-color or "woven" effects. Not sure I'm making myself at all clear about this, but I empathize and wish you luck!

OMG "exploded sheep" was really a strong visuals for me, too---LOL!:-))))

I learned so much from this thread, thanx Suz and all the ladies who commented.

I'm so late but I felt compelled to comment. I like your stylist's second idea best. An all over color with slightly darker roots sounds good and I see it as edgy and definitely not faded. Also I think the best cut for you is #4. It's similar to your current style but the bangs are a little longer. it has a bit of softness to it which is my personal bias.

I originally said I thought you should go for the platinum. Then all the people who know more about hair, especially blond hair, convinced me that it wasn't a good idea after all. But I was just looking at your blog, and I really do think you'd look smashing in platinum, edgily styled.