As hair is SUCH a big part of your style, and you are in the image industry, I would say no.

...and a side note( not to scare you off), but the last time I did a spurt of the moment move like that, it ended up pretty badly. I used to take little Zap to a Paul David salon for her haircut. As I waited for her to be done, I got talked into getting a trim... Well, the stylist chopped my bottom layer off ( My hair is cut in layers, forming a v in the back), making the top layers much heavier. It look about 5 haircuts and two years for my stylist to fix the mistake, since that bottom layer needed to grow about 4 inches.
Yep, it is hair, yep it grows, it might just take a long while.
For me, never again!

I would do it. First of all, I'm a bit of a gambler. Second, I would want to help him out. Third, hair will grow back. Fourth, it's not as much of a gamble as volunteering for a newbie hair stylist. The guy has seven years under his belt. Fifth, I may find that I like what he does.

The only thing that would keep me from doing it would be if I had recently had a hair cut from my regular stylist, and it still looked really good. I'm too much of a scrimper and saver to waste a good haircut that I already had.

For me it would be a no unless maybe he had given me a photo of the proposed cut and I had seen some of his other work. I thought you were pretty disappointed in your last cut rae - not because the stylist did it wrong, but because you felt like maybe you didn't want it that short after all. My question would be then, how is this stylist going to use you as a model without doing a pretty drastic cut? Usually hair show models get pretty drastic cuts/styles.

I think that this really makes sense for you Rae - because you are in the process of growing your hair into a different style, it needs some shaping right now - and this guy is experienced and understands what you are trying to achieve. Its not like your hair is in a style right now that you absolutely love and that your hairstylist has it absolutely nailed. You're in flux - I'd go into this experience viewing it as a transitional cut/style - and an adventure! (as well as a way to save some money!)

I wouldn't do it because I am completely devoted to my own stylist to the point of dysfunction. But before her, I'd have taken up such an offer in a heartbeat.

Good point by Marley there.

I'd do it - but then, my hair is nothing special, and I like playing with it.

And I see you're intending to do it - have fun!

I don't get the faithfulness to a stylist. You like them, you keep having them cut your hair. You don't, you stop visiting them. You have three favourite stylists, great for you, have the three of them work on your hair.

I also don't get the 'let's take it if it's free' if you don't want/need it. It's like me having Mexican food just because it's free. That doesn't change the fact that I don't like Mexican food! lol

But if you DO feel like getting your hair cut, and you DO feel like you can trust this stylist, I don't see why not to give it a try.