I know. You can't answer that question. But I'm hoping someone might have some good suggestions for me.

I've read and re-read Angie's blogs on editing and adding to our wardrobes.

I've made lists.

I've looked at my stuff.

I've even tried stuff on, and I've looked back at last year's pictures.

But I'm going a little crazy here.

I am having trouble figuring out my actual NEEDS and how those needs might intersect with my desire to move my style forward.

Also, I'm having an awfully difficult time figuring out how to reconcile the different aspects of my style preferences. How does the retro-loving meet the more modern-avant-garde and stay on speaking terms? If I add a few super modern elements, how do I match them with my other pieces? Yes, they will work with the classics, and with denim (usually).

But I don't want to end up with an incoherent mess. My ideal is still a small, functional wardrobe.

I am so in awe of those of you who can do your fall planning in July and know somehow (seemingly intuitively) that you need this, that, or the other item to make this outfit or that capsule complete.

I have no idea!!

What am I doing wrong here? Where would you start?

ETA: Sometimes I think that what I really need to do is what used to be suggested - buy a suit, and a couple of simple items, probably all from the same designer, in the same season, that all go together, and make that the core.

It is as if my wardrobe doesn't have a core.

I have TONS of basics, but still no CORE.

Does that make sense?

Mostly I wish I could just hire Angie!!