Very powerful! I forwarded the link to my daughters!

Thank you for sharing such a personal story. I have to say that as much as I am inspired with what you taught us, I am also very sorry that you lived with such violence in your home.
Also, it is a reminder to be sensitive to others and on the lookout for any signs of abuse, as it is more widespread many of us are aware. Than I was aware. A friend in passing casually used an odd phrasing and I let it pass rather than questioning it. I should have paid attention. Luckily, she is alright now, but...
Grateful for your insight, thanks to your friend even though he passed, a reminder to be that good of a friend, and that our words really matter.

Thank you Debbie and Barbara Diane. It is indeed more common than we know. Whenever I give this speech, I am moved by several people who then come up to share their stories with me. They need friends like you to be a supportive presence in their lives.