Rita you look so beautiful! The accessories are perfect! I think both you and Kari bring your own personalities to this dress. I can't stop looking at it...it's gorgeous. I think you are going to get a lot of enjoyment from this dress.

It looks fantastic on you!

So pretty! Love the coral, white and turquoise.

That's a wonderful dress for you and I love how you've styled it. Enjoy!

Thanks everyone! I was so happy in this dress today. It is very elegant but also comfortable. I was able to move around and help my daughter through her various costume changes. She performed beautifully. I am so proud of her for the grace, poise and dedication she showed today. It was a truly incredible show and I felt like my outfit lived up to the importance of the occasion.

I am wearing my new Tahari coral dress, Kors Turquiose necklace from Nordie's half year sale, Dr. Scholl's wedges, old target bag and MK watch.

I am off for a few days of casual R&R on the beach. I am ready with Angie's uber casual beach formula. I am planning to make this my uniform for the days ahead. I hope to check in soon but I'm not sure what the internet situation is like where I'm going.

Hooray! Have a blast on your vacation. Catch a few waves for me, OK?

Pretty dress and refreshing combination!

Oh, this was trully linving up to the occasion-Rita, loved it styled with bright turquoise! Have a great holiday!

What a great dress! Love the outfit on you!

Orange and turquoise looks so cool and I agree with Suz about doing a twins day with Kari.

You look amazing in this dress. You should snap it up in other colors and prints if they are available. It is just that fab.