A beautifully organized closet with lots of moving parts. WELL DONE.

My toes are tickled.

Beautiful. Cedar lined and organized with a seat. I would go in there and never come out.

Can I join StyleFan and be locked forever in closet Nirvana

What a beautifully organised neat closet!

Beautiful!!!! Your closet reflects your maximal style. I see no problem unless you have LOTS of NWT stuff hanging around for months if not years. When my mom passed away last year, she had tons of NWTs stuff from Mervyns and Montgomery Ward -- so not even nice stuff but items picked up with sales blinders.

This is amazing, Natalie, and all this variety is how you pull together outfits that, despite wildly varied sources of inspiration and style, are still true to your personality and fashion sense. The greater level of organization should streamline your dressing process - I hope it brings on new and interesting combinations!

Love your closet. I am a maximalist but I figure as long as I do not run out of space in the closet I haven't gone overboard. I have about one hanging bar (of six) left of space.

Major closet envy happening here.
My closet is large but disorganized , you have inspired me.

Amazing! Really does look like a boutique as others have said...but it's all YOURS. !

I'm another one from the old house - lots of small closets club. I tend to keep my wardrobe fairly small because I really need to see all the basics in one place or I won't remember what I have. Living in a four-season location means I swap things in and out of "current rotation" a lot...if I had a bigger closet I would not have to do it as much.

I would love to play in your closet.

Your closet is beautiful! Thank you for showing us your masterful closet organization. I understand why you call it a sanctuary. I confess that I have been known to hide in my walk in closet (yes from the rest of the family) so I could read a book without being interrupted. No one thinks of looking for me there.

I like the fashion boots up high. It's hard for me to figure out what to do with this hard to reach section of the closet. My ceilings are 10' so it's particularly hard to reach above the top shelf. It requires a step stool and tip toes. Vertical items like boots might eliminate the tip toes and would make better use of the space on the top shelf than the handbags and stacked plastic bins I currently store there. It's never fun when a stack of bins comes crashing down on my head.............

You and me both LisaP! (I have so many tasks that I need to get to to get my life organized - and I keep prioritizing sleep instead of doing them!)

You are providing EXCELLENT inspiration for those of us who like you have a lot of clothes but haven't spent the necessary time organizing our closets. You are teaching us what great organization can do for one's closet. Thank you very much for this excellent post with photos!!!

Wow! So beautifully organised. I would love to sit on that seat and take it all in.

Lisap and Anne, I have an enormous to-do list. Counting and organising my wardrobe is on the list, but there is a mountain of ironing and mending to tackle first. Sigh.

Thanks everyone! You really helped me get organized!

Bijou and Sally, au contraire, I am definitely guilty of duplicating items in different colors. Five pairs of Okalas, five or six VC tube skirts, three Halogen pencil skirts, three Munro Abbys, two studded satchels, etc. And a partridge in a pear tree. I also have lots of black skirts, at least six.

Anne, I got the jewelry organizer from Container Store, I think this one is similar: http://www.containerstore.com/.....rganizer/1
And they make fun dress shaped ones too. Yes Bella, I like being able to see everything all at once.

Ledonna, wow, 230 purses purged? You are a master purger! Need to take lessons from you!

Thanks Sterling, Lyn, Runs With Scissors, Marianna, Tanya, Sihaya, Brie and Celeste!

Jill, Cheryl and Sara, at least when your stuff is spread out in multiple places your hubby can't complain about how much stuff you have!

Smittie, thanks so much. I'm still struggling with a messy house and stubborn belly though! Have only lost a few lb which is a bummer. Smite and JAileen, I am definitely not a natural born minimalist so I think I'd be doomed to fail at 333! Thanks Suz, you are too kind!

Diana, I do love my wardrobe pets, though it has turned into quite the menagerie!

Janet, you have a fabulous maximal style so it's no wonder you have a larger wardrobe.

Thanks Lisa and Robin!

Peri and Anna, yes the closet has a cedar wall next to the mirror. It was like that when we bought the place. The Elfa shelves were installed too, although I did a little re-arranging of the shelves. But the big shoe shelf was largely the same. So we were lucky to have a nice closet to move into.

AviaMariah I agree it's fun to get some me time after taking care of the kids. It's why I stay up way too late, indulging in fashion time.

LisaP and Anne, good luck with your closet projects! I definitely do not have my sh!t together, so I know where you're coming from!

Rachy, too funny! Thanks Deb and Angie!

Style Fan and Diana and Bonnie and Helen, you and other Fabbers are welcome to visit my closet anytime!

Donna, it is so tempting at all budget levels to get greedy at sales and shop too much. I think we are all guilty of that, I know I am.

Thanks Cobaltblue, Ummlila, and Gail.

Chris, I live in the Bay Area so pretty much one season year round which is why I don't really rotate clothes.

Staysfit, boxes crashing on your head sounds like a real hazard! Hope you can rearrange things!

Thanks Shevia, Laura, and Helen.

Now my bedroom is a mess from all the stuff I moved out of the closet, but at least my closet is clean! I never get more than a couple minutes to sit down in there before one of the kids pops in, but it is a peaceful retreat.

Oooh....I love your closet Natalie. Makes me feel so much better about my LARGE (and perpetually expanding) wardrobe

Sadly I don't have a large closet like yours. My stuff is distributed through 3 double door closets by "Type". I'd love one large closet like this so I can see EVERYTHING together, but I simply don't have the space. Sigh :/