SO very well written Rae! I VERY much enjoyed reading your post, it resonates strongly with me as well. Last year I had a rather sudden dampening on my purchases simply because I decided I wasn't being nearly picky enough; my closet had far too many 7s and 8s and not enough WOWZA 10s (even in basics and essentials). I am feeling better about curating what goes into my wardrobe these days, though I still have a LOT of holes after a recent reevaluation of my wardrobe. But as I've learned to become more picky about what goes INTO my closet, I just haven't gotten as good at being picky to get rid of those less-than-perfect items! I don't know if it's a matter of admitting mistake on my part, I don't really mind that so much, but I tend to become worried that I'll start to crave more variety. A lot of those items were purchased several years ago when I was still trying to figure out my style, so they span quite the style spectrum. But you know what, I'm on almost 3 years of no full repeats so that's a pretty good indication that there is definitely more than enough variety there, right? Honestly, it has come as a HUGE surprise to me that, as I have slowly pared my wardrobe down and culled out those less-than-perfect or not-quite-my-style items, I truly have become happier with the state of my wardrobe. It's not where I'd like it to be yet, but I really do need to just suck it up and get rid of those items that are more of a hindrance than anything at this point -_-


The planets have aligned - after the sky fell down when you wore flat oxfords.

Rae, you really are a wonderful writer, you know.

And wise way beyond your years.

Just needed to say that.

Una, I really feel that cutting out the thrifting was key. It made constantly buying feel NORMAL. And at my swap meets there is not usually any way to properly evaluate fit or function.

Beth Ann, I sympathize. I used to have multiple drawers of tees to sleep in. What's up with that??

Susie, those deals can be the death of me! And some things (boots! bags!) feel like a good deal more easily than others (basics... tank tops.... sandals) - no matter if I actually need the other things more.

Rachy, the important thing we have learned is that we are Proud Women.

Aida, I have that panic about variety, too. What if I change stores? What if I change departments? I might NEED that thing I don't particularly like... : /

Angie, that made me giggle! It is nice to know the cosmos are settling down after all that upheaval they brought.

Suz, your compliment means so much to me. It is the best coming from a killer writer!