Great threat Una. This is a good extension of the ideas given to me in my thread a couple of days ago on struggling with capsules. I just got back from two long days on the road, but will definitely give this done thought when I'm not so tired.

The more granular this analysis gets, the more helpful I find it. I am
beginning to think functionally and not artificially segregate work clothes from the rest of my wardrobe.

A. Lounge- and sleepwear. I lounge in my casual clothes. Need little; got
. Nighties are lingerie in my book.

B. Gear. Fitness, outdoors, sports, etc. But I regularly work in hiking boots, khakis, sun protection, fleece, down, etc. An ongoing challenge.

C. Casual. WAH and walk the dogs in jeans, tees, sweaters. Only recently started paying attention to this category.

D. Smart casual. Meetings, most conferences and client meetings, urban fieldwork. Bulk of my waking hours and bane of my sartorial existence. I default to looking like my mother -- conservative, classic-- and that simply isn't me any more.

E. Splashy casual. **Runs screaming from the room.** Can't do it: heck, I even have trouble wearing small prints and accent colors.

Now, funky casual, I can get behind: neutral, textural, and accessorized, with an emphasis on jeans and boots. That covers errands, dates, performances, and the remaining conferences and client meetings. This is what I enjoy, but this is what I need at most 25% of the time.

F. Dressy. Religious services, funerals, certain client meetings, interviews,
and presentations. Not much call for this capsule. Home to my one and only seasonless pencil skirt.

G. Travel. You know the drill.

The light bulb went on when I recognized that the vast majority of items in
my closet could be categorized as C., D., E., F., AND G. For my (generally) blissfully casual lifestyle, it's not what I wear but how I wear it.

Cerinda, love "granular"! This is what I'm getting at... what's IN the figurative closet (including the dressers and laundry) and how do I actually wear it? Great breakdown and looks like you're the first to run from splashy casual.

Cerinda-- my splashy casual looks are almost entirely neutral with nice drape or texture, jeans, and boots + accessories.

Elly-- Maybe splashy casual isn't as scary as it sounds to a recovering blackaholic? I spent more than two decades dressed in black (and denim) with only tiny amounts of white, virtually no jewelry, and minimalist shoes, boots and bags. Even I got bored after a while.

I have a lot to learn. I changed fields not long ago, and I'm still having trouble developing a personal style that is approachable, professional (by the standards of this field), and still me.

Elizabeth, I was hoping you'd pop in! I was sure this would be pertinent to you.

I love hearing everybody's categories, and also, as Una says, it is so interesting to see the areas that others tend to overbuy for. I remember CocoLion saying she tends to over buy for smart casual because it's her favourite capsule. I do this, too.

So I made a huge effort not to, last fall and winter, and was mostly successful. But by spring -- despite the fact that I had refreshed my closet with a few new crossover work-from-home/ smart casual knits -- I was bored out of my mind!! I really needed more variety than I thought.

I have not yet resolved how I will handle that this year.

I keep coming back to read more responses. Funky casual, yes - that's it! My new favorite category. I love it when my casual clothes are a bit funky - wait, that didn't sound right - I love having a funky style to my casual clothes - OK that sounds better

What struck me when I re-read my own previous answer, and got me thinking while drinking my morning cup of coffee, is why do I make so many of my "loungewear" clothes that I never wear out of the house, and not so many of the clothes that I do wear out of the house? Am I afraid that they're going to fall apart or something? No, but it could be similar to why we buy more for one category than another, even when we don't need to. Or maybe it's a confidence thing. Hmmm......

My favorite capsule is the splashy/funky casual. I do try to incorporate some of this in to my work wear capsule, particularly since I like the juxtaposition of casual/dressy and I can dress somewhat casually for work.

For me, splashy casual is usually the special clothing that I can't wear to work because of the specifity or rules of the job mixed into my work capsule and casual capsule (essentially-- I'm really limited in accesories at work-- i.e. no jewelry except earrings and very short pendants, clothing has to sit just right to be moving around like crazy and using hand tools, I have to climb ladders and lift things, it is cold, I work with male interns that are younger than me but not young enough so am suddenly very very conscious of necklines, can't wear embellished blouses, light colors, etc.). I combine the special pieces with wide leg wool pants, skinny jeans, or BF jeans depending on where I am going.

Una, thank you for starting this thread. I've known for a while that smart casual is my problem area but not why or how to fix it. Reading everyone's comments and framing my own is really helping me a) clarify my psychological resistance to smart casual ("Resistance is futile.") and b) suspect I have all the necessary ingredients already. I'm beginning to think about ways to tone down my splashy / funky self without feeling bored, boring, inexpressive, or a pale imitation of someone else. Thanks for the provocative post.

I'll play!

My categories correspond with my lifestyle.
1. Casual. 365 days a year, I wear something casual and comfortable at least for part of the day. On a work day, I start the day in casual clothing then change into my work uniform. I do not wear loungewear, instead I wear comfortable casual clothes. Boyfriend jeans, tees, low heeled sandals and booties, and cardigans are a big part of this capsule.
2. Smart casual. 30-60 days a year. As Suz mentioned I overbuy for this capsule. I realized this two years ago and posted about it, but the lesson didn't take hold apparently. After my 34-day capsule test in August, my lack of need to add to this category became even more apparent.
3. Work. 200-250 days per year. I have a simple formula, a uniform.
4. Dressy. 7-14 days year. Opera, theater, fancy dinners, funerals, weddings.

So that's how it breaks down by need. In terms of closet content, I am oversupplied in the smart casual capsule, although I can often get away with smart casual attire for dressy occasions here in California. I am a minimalist in the work and dressy capsules. At first I thought of it as undersupplied but I do not feel I am lacking in these capsules so minimalist is a better term.

Here's my breakdown (though I'm sure I'm forgetting something):

Lounge/sleepwear - Both the same for me. Could use an update.
Gear - Worn little, but needs updating. Maybe that's why
Active casual - For physically active things, particularly outdoors. This was something I just sorted out this year. Separate from gear, as these casual outfits also get worn out-and-about. Currently no overlap in gear, but that could change in the future if I get Nicer Gear.
Weekend casual - Really just a subset of smart casual, the simplest pieces with a slant to pretty; always styled simply. For hanging around the house, running errands, and casual activities with hubby.
Smart casual - I could realistically wear this for weekend and for work (therefore, the bulk of my life) as there's no dress code and I essentially work from home. But I like having separate, nicer work clothing to help me feel more productive. So this has a lot of crossover into "work" wear, but the less "fashiony" pieces get worn for slightly dressier weekend events.
Smarter casual/business creative casual (work) - Where I can play with fashion, and my favorite to buy for.
Dressy - Not used often, and I can usually swing it by using dressy pieces from my smart casual clothing. Severely lacking, currently.

As far as time spent (or even numbers) per category, I haven't done a proper analysis of it but have a general idea. Something like this:

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Oooh...Denise...that is super helpful. COUNT THE NUMBER OF DAYS.

Thank you, thank you, thank you.

I am not sure I can reconstruct a year...or if last year has any bearing on what might happen this year....but I'm going to spend some time and try it.

I have gear, all sorts of gear. But I don't count it, at all.

This is so very interesting. I have been thinking and sorting in my mind as I have been reading this thread. My categories are:

1. Loungewear/sleepwear - I change into this immediately when I get home from work. I don't have much but it includes two robes, one for warmer weather, and one for cold. My polar fleece tops and pants, all pajamas, and my boiled wool slippers. This area could use updating and more emphasis.

2. Smart Casual/Funky Casual- I think that describes the majority of my wardrobe and the majority of my purchases. I dress this way for work and on weekends also. I don't make too much distinction between what I wear for work and on the weekend, although I have been trying to change that. The biggest difference may be in the summer when I wear dresses.

3. Gear - I exercise 6 days a week. Pilates, running, yoga, walking the dog, biking, snow shoes, cross country skis. I have exercise bras, fitness tops and bottoms of all weights and lengths. I have shoes, hiking boots, and waterproof running shoes. Visors for the sun and rain. Technical jackets for rain and wind and cold. I am actually short of long sleeve shirts?!

4. Dressy- this is rare. Where I live you can go to the theatre, religious services, and out to eat, anywhere in smart casual. Dressy is for when my DH has a formal work event, when my residents graduate once a year, weddings, Bar/Bat Mitzvahs and funerals. I have more dressy clothes than I need, but they are for warm seasons. None are for the winter. If I have a winter event I will need to find something. For holiday parties I wear funky casual.

5. Travel- this is an area that I struggle with. I always scramble when it's time to pack. I really need to build a travel capsule of lightweight knits that are easily coordinated, and simple to put in a suitcase on short notice.

I wonder if I should add a weekend casual or not? I don't distinguish much between work clothes and weekend clothes. The big difference is in the accessories. I won't wear necklaces, or scarves, or the same shoes/boots.

I think there is something to be said for looking at shoes and maybe even accessories this way. I definitely have a skew in my shoe/boot collection. Thinking about it right now, my division is by weather and by style descriptors. My shoes are often more formal than the rest of my clothing. I may be wearing a casual outfit with very refined formal shoes. The majority of my shoes are in the refined category, although there is also the funky category, and the practical category, and the classic category. Then there is the division into seasons, which would be cold and warm.

Love the responses and will post more when my phone is not crashing!