glad to hear it went well! can't wait to see the new and improved Queen of Business Bombshell!

Glad to hear your sense of humor is alive and kickin! Take care, MaryK.

Happy healing, MaryK, and I'm really looking forward to seeing your after pictures!

Hope you heal up quickly and we get to see your fab results soon. Glad to hear you are back home and able to rest. Sending some hugs while you heal!

Hooray for Q-tips! Don't be shy about bossing your hubby around during your recovery - his main tasks should be: the making and pouring of tea, the spoon-feeding of puddings, and the massaging of feet.

I'm glad everything went well!

Great to hear it went well! Now enjoy your lazy time. I hope you have a stack of fashion magazines and good wifi.

Thanks, everybody!

I went to the doc's office at 6 a.m. and got the giant Q-tip removed, and now am sporting a smaller, removable elastic wrap not unlike what I imagine the nuns in The Sound of Music wore under their veils! LOL And I got to take a shower and wash my hair! Yay!

And you know the turkey neck? GONE!!!

The bags under the eyes? Gone -- and replaced by a lovely line of stitches! LOL

Oh, and my anesthesiologist was a beautiful young woman who reminded me of our own lovely lyn*, so I felt like I was in very good hands indeed!

Mr. K is still in Texas, but my BFF, the lovely Amanda, has been here the whole time and is the very best nurse anybody could ever ask for!

And look! I'm a YLF Veteran!!

Congrats all around are in order

Speedy recovery, Mary!

So glad you are back and on the mend, Mary K!

Congratulations, can't wait to see the new you! Although you are so pretty in your "before/sans makeup" picture, I can't imagine anything needed fixing.

Glad to hear you are well and back home. I wish you a speedy recovery!

Wow MaryK, what a way to celebrate the veteran-ship

Congratulations on the op and being a veteran!

Glad to hear it's all gone well.

So glad you are back and that everything went well. You are an amazing person. I think we need to bottle your enthusiasm and courage. It's priceless. Hugs to you and your recovery.

Glad you are doing well!

Yay! I'm glad everything is going so smoothing

You probably don't want me as your anesthesiologist; just saying Unless you're having a seizure and need an airway. I'm pretty good at that.

Enjoy your time as lady of leisure, heal quickly and hope you feel well soon!!

MaryK - your "head gear" in the 2nd pic kind of reminds me of the rain bonnets that the women of my mothers' generation wear when they go to bed at night, so as to not mess up their hair!

So glad you are doing well. Can't wait to see the beautiful you. "Hi" to Amanda!

Been thinking of you over the past few days. So glad all went well. Take it easy and enjoy your time of recuperation. Looking forward to more WIW when you are up to it.

Drat to hear your hubby is away. I was going to suggest that he peel you some grapes to speed your recovery...

I'm glad you are being looked after and are doing so well.

Wishing you a speedy recovery! I love your sense of humor!

Oh, now I see what's going on I can't wait to see the final result! Hope the recovery continues smoothly ...

Thank you for the update, you know we are all concerned and can't wait to see the results and the big smile on your face. I'm glad the surgery is in the past now.

It's really strange not to have your WIWs for a few days - feels like eternity.

You are all too sweet! And may I just say that it is Day Three and I am pretty tired of ice packs and bruises! Hopefully tomorrow things will start to look a little more normal!

So glad everything went well....Hang in there! I'm anxious to hear how happy you are with the results. Like Nora Ephron, I feel bad about my neck.

I think Day 3 is the worst for wisdom tooth removal, so maybe it will be your turning point too! I'll wager you have a hard time just laying low . . .

Somehow I have missed this post! I am so glad you are in good spirits (I would not expect anything else from out vibrant MaryK anyway!) and recovering. I had an unplanned plastic surgery on my face (really bad glass cuts after the car accident) and can imagine very well how you feel - and look!:-) I also stayed a week out of work because I just could not face anybody (pun intended :-)).
I cannot wait to see the pictures of your lovely face!

Yeh - I'm with Nora Ephron on that one too.