I don't. I'm an extreme introvert and although being more outgoing would be nice, I don't like being perceived as a social butterfly.

I'm definitely an extroverted introvert, and I often take the role of an extrovert when a situation needs a leader or someone to be the idiot to go ask a stranger for help. I'm also very blunt in my opinions and don't hold back much with my close friends. But at the end of the day I would much rather observe people than be at the center of the situation, and I'm not a fan of crowds.

I'm with Kate - the J in my M-B profile takes the lead if everyone else is faffing about! OTOH my "default" personality is more of a P - Mac's description so struck a nerve, I laughed out loud:

"I'm a bit untidy, a clutter-magnet, always losing my keys and always manage to stain whichever item of clothing I wear in a given day."

(I went to work yesterday, and it was not until the 10am meeting with my boss that I spotted the toothpaste on my shirt - doh!)

I would describe myself as a self-confident introvert - I'm not at all nervous about giving presentations or meeting new people, but I find the latter exhausting after a few hours (e.g. at a weekend conference) and urgently need some downtime to recover!

Kate and AnneL, your descriptions fit me too. I am an introvert, but I have an alter ego which I put on when I used to have a professional life. I could seem quite at ease interacting with people in a work environment, but put me in a pub and I will spend the evening in a corner observing. Any poor soul who tries to talk to me will quickly decide that it is not worth it and move on. And that will be fine with me. As for how this relates to style, I always used to dress in very boring clothes on purpose, so I would not draw any attention to myself. I am trying to change how I dress simply because I want to like what I see if I look in the mirror!

Well, mine's not just a "professional face" - I can be a bit of a show-off at times *lol* As a skinny undergrad I used to wear pretty wild stuff - a black miniskirt with bright red tights, for example!

I've toned down my look as I've gotten older, thank goodness, but it totally depends on my mood and energy levels as to how extroverted I behave.

Good point about the E/I mix, Ele. I'm definitely a mix, an extroverted introvert.

I'm not that nervous about speaking in public, or expressing my opinion, despite being really introverted. I'm an introvert, but not shy (well, I hope it's clear enough). I'm not afraid of other people, I just prefer being on my own.

Ele, excellent point. Despite scoring 100% extrovert on the tests, I do have an introverted streak as well. I need large chunks of alone-time every day, to recharge my batteries. I do, however, crave company of people and get energized by it as well. Very strange how it can be both things, huh? And... this made me just realize that's why I love participating in online communities so much!! I can socialize with people - from the quiet solitude of my own home.

Also, growing up, I always thought I was introverted. The reason? Compared to my brother and sister, I was a wallflower and quiet as a church mouse. My siblings are EXTREME extroverts. They can be overwhelming. When we all get together, you can't get a word in edgewise and an observer would think I was introverted.

I also want to add that I think there's way too much emphasis on the E/I distinction. That's not the most interesting part of temperament, at least, according to Keirsey. What's more interesting is whether you are an N or an S. This is the first "cut" - so to speak. It rarely changes as you develop through life, whereas E vs I tendency can, and P vs J can too. Even T vs F can morph.

Yes, I think it's the most distinctive trait. I was more emotional when I was a teenager and I'm quite sure I'd have scored as an INFP. I noticed that many NT people write that they get along with NF's, while they don't really understand Sensors.

What an interesting point. I score quite strong as an Extrovert but while my partner wishes we could go out 5 nights/week, loves loud restaurants, enjoys staying at clubs 'til the wee hours, I love love love my home and would happily spend almost every night just lying in front of the fireplace with a book. But, I'm always energized by a good phone call from a dear friend.

But, I don't put huge stock in our MB Type explaining everything about us. There are so many ways to categorize people, all of which fall short of truly describing the multi-faceted dimensions that humans embody.

Has anyone done the Enneagram personality test? I have no idea of "my number" but I have a friend who swears by that whole system...

I have. I don't know if it's accurate. I got 5w4.
If anyone is interested: