I've been thinking on this more, and when I fontcwear a jacket, I always reach for a necklace to complete the outfit. I have a few longer necklaces that I like for this these days. These are less hot and bulky in the summer too.

I prefer the third piece, and I'm very sorry in the cold weather when I'm at 5 or 6 pieces and look like an ambulatory black sleeping bag.

However, on hot days, an interesting print top, extra jewelry, extra nice shoes and bright lipstick can be a big help.

Thistle, I have a very busy morning, but will get back to this thread later. YES, cardis count as toppers.

I wouldn't think that jewelry would be a third piece. It's more like the cherry on a sundae.

I would think that you could call a lightweight shirt over a tank your third piece. This might work for you if you tend to run hot, as it doesn't have to be form-fitting or snug. I'd also a denim jacket, cardigan, shawl or vest to be a topper.

I'm short, and this topper hit me at high mid-thigh, which I find to be really flattering. The holes make it not hot, but the sleeves make me more comfortable inside when the AC is running. I have another, similar cardigan in a linen blend knit, but I don't see it on the Loft website right now.

I'm now officially ISO long and longer cardigans, because I feel so fab in them.


Since you're uncomfortable in jackets, don't run cold and don't enjoy wearing scarves - I vote vests. Lightweight, less restrictive than a jacket and doesn't get in the way like a scarf.

I hate having to remove the Third Piece when it warms up during the day because there goes the oomph in my whole ensemble. I don't love scarves either. Love the idea of the open shirt as a topper. In the summer shoes and sunglasses become more important. I guess a cute hat could also be a Third Piece in hot weather.

I like Angie's vest suggestion, and these have been on my list, but I haven't succeeded yet.

Have you tried a Kimono jacket? It wouldn't be constrictive, or hot, and as your post-partum shape slowly changes, it would go right along for the ride. And there is a way to tie a long, wide shawl-type scarf that turns it into a drape front vest.