Good decision to return. You're better than this dress (though I like the back view). And what Diana said.

What a pity. At least you tried. You are right to return, Astrid. The shape overwhelms you. Next.

Tulle, those are good ideas, if I were pressed to make the dress work. But I'm not so I don't want to put all the engergy into making do...

Harmonica and Angie, thanks. I am glad I at least gave it a try!

My first thought was that this dress is lovely but not quite right. I see you've decided to return it. I see why you tried it though!

I saw the dress, thought "hmmm," and then saw the floral dress, which was *amazing*. So I would pass, or I would get the dress tailored a bit more to your body.

The floral dress looks amazing on you because it has structure. The silk dress is all slouchy and is meant for a different woman. I know because I have gone down that road. I have pictures of myself in a very expensive dress like the silk dress that is very unflattering. What was I thinking! I also have pictures of myself in a dress that is more structured. Way more flattering.

Good information for when you go shopping. I look for structure. Sorry if I sound like a grandmother.

Thanks Una.

Gradfashionista, I agree - I need something a bit more tailored.

Thanks Style Fan! Yes, I agree about the structure. Not too much because I hate to feel restricted and I feel like too much structure looks stuffy on me, but at least some tailoring.