How about eclectic? I'm not good with my words.

Fashion Forward? Modern?

Hmmm. Maybe we need to isolate what makes classics classic...apart from the fact that they last or keep reappearing on the fashion scene. What is it about them that makes them so useful/ popular/ wearable/ timeless? Is it their clean lines, for example? If so, then maybe the opposite of classic would be hyper-embellished.

Oh no, I hope it is not "tacky". Very funny, however.

I think "everything else" is perfect. Classic can be labeled because it has consistency and the opposite of that is inconsistent which is impossible to nail down in one adjective or style term.

So many styles are not classic but only one is classic.
Mabye I have had too much cold medication.

Suz, I think you may have something there. If a classic follows classical principles, then maybe it's opposite would be something like baroque.

Yeah. It has to do with structure and form. I like "baroque," Rachylou!

So maybe we can label our fashion personas as classic or baroque or something in between.

Jean, perhaps you could ask your art class I also think classics in themselves also have an inconsistency in that they do still evolve. A vintage trench has slightly different signifiers than a burberry trench on sale today IMO.

Ah, interesting thoughts. I do not think "Baroque" describes non- classic styles anymore than "punk" or "trendy" would. Classic items do not follow a particular form or structure necessarily, I do not think.
Julie, yes they do evolve so maybe they are not consistent but become so over time.
Art is a difficult analogy because it refers to periods of time and when we are talking about classic style, many time periods are represented.
Are all classics simple in design? I think there is room to disagree with that although I cannot think of an example. Someone will on this thread, I suspect

I don't think Classic has an antonym in the way we are using it. It's not like good/bad. It's more like blue/yellow. So just like blue and yellow are colors, Classic is a style - just like Trendy and Avant Garde. They're distinct, but not opposites.

I call it "Annagybe."


I crack myself up!

I have been pondering this all morning and can't come up with anything new.

Too funny, alaskagirl! You are a crack-up! That is sooooo true.

So we have to test our theory that there is "Classic" and then there is "everything else." What style is the opposite of "Arty" or "Avante Garde?" What is the opposite of "Urban?" You see what I am saying? Why would it not be "Avante Garde" and "everything else?" Or, "UWP" and everything else? I think the way we are categorizing this, for this statement to be true, then all other styles would have to have an opposite, except for "Classic."

Lol, Una! Actually, I think "non-classic" is very accurate. : )

Hmm "everything else" seems right to me. I think it's probably less of a linear continuum and more of a.. center of many continuums. If classic includes all those timeless items that can be used in so many different style types, then all other styles satellite out of that (and overlap too, I suppose). So ignoring the need for overlap for a moment, if my style is Urban and someone else's is Boho, we sort of have two different streams leading back to "classic" and would fall somewhere along THAT continuum. I'm kind of picturing a pretty rock floating in the center of a sphere of water, and all paths away from the center could be the continuum of a style that can overlap with any other.

I think I see what you're saying, Aida. Is it that "Classic" is the opposite of every other style type? The opposite of "Arty" is "Classic" and the opposite of "Urban" is also "Classic," etc.? If that is true, then we are all *technically* correct! ; )

Ana and Aida - YES! Such astute ladies. Classic is on the other side of all those other style vibes - all paths lead back to Classic.

If everything else is equally the opposite of Classic, then there isn't a continuum at all.

Oooh, I was kind of onto something! Everything else falls into Non-Classic!

Once again, my head is spinning.

I was just going to say crazy....

Rae has a point. It's not really one continuum. I think what Aida was saying is that Classic like a circle in the middle, and all the other styles link off it but also connect to each other. I think our fashion style model has entered the realm of three-dimensionality (at least).

Rae and Ana, OR, there are many, many, many continuums.

I like that 3-D Star, Ana!

Angie, I think we posted at the same time. I think it is greater than one continuum. : )

ETA: Thanks, Angie. It's not a completely accurate model because all the branches would have to touch the middle (classic) and this star doesn't quite do that, but it probably looks something along this vein.

This is fun. Fashion Geometry!

Ana, I agree. But if you discuss one style - like Boho - what's on the other end? Classic. If you discuss Urban, what's on the other end? Classic. If you discuss Eclectic, what's on the other end? Classic. Does that make sense?

i'm going with trendy and on the fringe.

Tarzy said it, "not me". LMAO.

Such genius! Ana and Aida- love your thinking!
I think" everything else" and "non-classic" still are in the lead.
Una- brilliant!
Angie, makes perfect sense to me!

I also like the term alternative. Like in my mind you could be modern classic or classic boho but classic alternative is a no go but if I was to change the words around: alternative classic then maybe that is the all paths lead to classic : divergent yet convergent analogy?


*nodnod* 3D is exactly what I'm picturing, though I had a hard time explaining it. Kind of like those lightning balls!

It's hard to describe three dimensional objects using only words, isn't it? I think I had an idea of what you were thinking though, Aida. : )