Hello fabbers,

Remember Picture Perfect Challenges the way our forum member bella was organising them? We haven't done such challenge in quite a while.

I got in touch with bella to share some ideas for inspirations, and asked if she could moderate a new challenge. She is very busy at the moment and doesn't have much spare time, but we agreed that in her absence I'd step in and run things instead. Since she masterminded the whole concept brilliantly and did a great job with running the previous challenges, it leaves me with very little to do. Like proper franchising, I will simply reuse the entire concept, the schedule, format of the threads and just moderate things.

For those who have joined the forum in the meantime here is how it works:


*** Week 1: Voting

  • 10 images representing the theme of the challenge are posted for voting on the forum.
  • Anyone can vote, those who plan or don't plan to participate.
  • 5 images with the most votes will be our inspiration for creating outfits the following week, one image per day.

*** Week 2: The Outfits

  • Each day you will wear, photograph and post on the forum an outfit inspired by the selected image/artwork. You can be inspired by the colors, the mood, the name of it, anything about it that strikes your fancy and tickles your imagination, really.
  • I will start a new thread each day for you to post that day's outfit.
  • You can do all 5 days, or just participate for one day. No pressure!

The Schedule

I plan to announce the theme and post the voting thread next week (w/c 1st April, and no, it won't be April's fool), so the challenge would run in the week after the Easter break (w/c 8th April), when everyone who'll be going away should be back from the holidays.

I can promise you an exciting theme. In the meantime, to jog your memory or inspire you you join in, click <---here---> for one of the previous challenges keepsake threads.

Last but not least, in bella's own words:

What is the purpose of the challenge?

  • The first rule of YLF: Have fun with fashion!

  • But also: come up with new combinations, learn to draw inspiration from unorthodox sources, widen our imagination, see how different members interpret the same visual sources differently, etc. and did I say have fun?

So, would you like to play bella's Picture Perfect Challenge?