I don't think I ever got a style persona.

When I came up with mine I thought it was a fun exercise and a good way to stop and consider what I like. Mine is EASY. Easy, Artistic, Soft and Yes! (yes meaning I want to have that love feeling when I choose to keep something, otherwise pass.)

But...it hasn't helped any with actual shopping. I haven't considered an item and then stopped and asked myself if it looked Soft, or if it was Artistic. Because basically, if something isn't those things that I like, I don't look at it in the first place. It's not like I hold up a polo shirt and then say, "wait a minute, this isn't artistic. I'd better put it back!".

Bottom line, I think it put words to what I like, but didn't change what I like or help me find it. The Yes is a good reminder not to settle though.

Thanks for asking, Smittie. I am NOT: boho, rocker-chick, RATE, edgy, urban, blingy, or minimal, though I love these looks on others. Neither am I sporty, tomboyish, or natural in the sense of eschewing all artifice. I am not dressy, super-ladylike or classically elegant, though I can sometimes fake those in a pinch. I have been giving this a lot of thought, and have come up with these four aspirational words: Nonchalant (I need hands-in-pockets, easy fit, flexible clothing I can sit cross-legged on the floor in,) Balanced (Look for graceful silhouettes, harmony of color & texture,) Poetic (Some elements of sensual, referential, and artistic otherworldliness,) and Refined (I respond to fine fabrics and craftsmanship, require my clothes to be appropriate to the occasion, and prefer that they speak softly.) These all feel right and necessary to me. Now I need to distill them into a 2-word moniker--well, I don't NEED to, but I love the idea of having one!

tulle: That is a *lot* of nots! Are you sure you are not all that stuff? I tried to do the 'not' exercise and could only pinpoint two things:
1. I'm not crisp
2. I'm not a tomboy

That's it!

I really like your 'non-challant' word. I think it's cooler than 'effortless'.

rachylou: You were interviewed for 'Style Statement'? How did that go?

AJ: I wish I lived in New York so that I could be more edgy without drawing attention to myself. That would be my fantasy life.

Shedev: I love 'asphalt angel' and 'dystopian'; thank you for chiming in! I think I'd like to add a tiny bit of 'asphalt' to my looks to make them more interesting.

ginko: I too am one that needs to be reminded that I should look elegant every day. (I think kiwigal had a similar comment about needing to remind herself not to fall into the sloppy trap.)

gryffin: The 'Professional Princess of Darkness' definitely provides a clearer picture of your style

Peri: I love your 'yes!' word, but I think I might be too neurotic to be able to say 'yes!' in a change room. (I mean, I do say 'Yes!' all the time, it's just that it then turns into a big 'No!' at home.) I need to take clothes home, deliberate, and then decide. Hopefully I'll get better at this.

Smittie, just looked back at your WIWs ... what I see there is a casual elegance ... other words that came to mind were ease, softness, and unstated femininity ... any of those spark anything by chance ...?

torontogirl: yes, your words sum up my current style. I'd like to buy edgier pieces (or just something that blends in a little less with everyone else) as I find my current wardrobe quite drab.

Great minds... I just went through the process of developing a 'style statement' for myself. I really focused on gathering images of things that made me happy (this seemed faster than trying to work out a statement based on what I reject- and of course, once I'd worked out the qualities that I particularly enjoy, it became clear why I rejected certain things). I looked at favourite memories, favourite food and drink, favourite places and activities, favourite interiors (what came through was lightness, delicacy, simplicity, austerity, warmth, softness, domesticated nature ie boating on the river, not the open sea, kitchen gardens and courtyards, not the forest). It's not that I don't like hiking, but I _love_ visiting kitchen gardens and noseying around!

So mine was "calm, a little austere, light, fragile, crisp, warm, soft but not sweet."

I've already found it helpful- when combined with my knowledge of how to dress my figure type, when I look at something I ask, does this item have any or most of these attributes? The 'not sweet' is an essential reminder, as many items in light or fragile colors/fabrics have very sweet detailing, and that is not me (that's why I put austerity in there!). Listing soft and crisp might seem contradictory, but for instance I recently bought a white cotton blouse in a very subtle lace. The cotton gives it crispness, but the lace pattern is soft- it works beautifully (the austerity is the shape- very simple, no collar, no cuffs).

Ah, I understand ... hmmm, what about starting a Pinterest board entitled "the missing piece" ... search for images that speak to what you are reaching for, then once you've got a good collection, go back over it and edit out anything that is not quite what you were going for ... THEN once you have a good visual, search for descriptors that capture the visual. This might be an easier way to pin down an idea that you can't quite put words around yet. Just thoughts for what they are worth This is my favorite part of style (the self-discovery part), hence the annoying interest in your process

I love reading these. Everyone has such individual, interesting, and appealing descriptions!