Hi everyone, I came back from Hong Kong last week but have been so busy catching up with my regular life that this is my first chance to tell you about it!

I have to say that it is an amazing city. I grew up in an urban environment, but have never been anywhere with so many people before. And one of the highlights of the trip for me was seeing the street style. Many of the people on the street were obviously tourists from other Asian countries, but there seemed to be a very consistent uniform: Leggings, chunky-soled, close-fitting ankle boots or Converse, a short skirt or shorts (just long enough to cover the rear), a shirt/top and then a scarf and short puffer jacket over the top. Everyone seemed to wear this, and after the first day I could see why -it is warm, easy to commute in and looks great. Different groups (?from different countries) wore the look in different ways - one group had brightly coloured shoes, I saw shiny puffer coats in colours I did not know existed, some looked cute whilst others looked subdued.

After reading of Angie's love for her Anne Fontaine shirts I visited the shop in Harbourtown and succumbed to the beautiful workmanship (French seams!). I also bought a pair of 7FAM jeans (my husband says they are the best looking jeans he has ever seem me wear!) and I also bought a number of cheaper items from the local boutiques. I will try and get some photos over the next few days -I bought mostly winter things and of course it is 30 degrees this week so much too hot to give it a proper outing.

Anyway, it is a fabulous place and it was a real adventure to visit but I am glad to be back home.