Joy, this move must have changed your life in terms of dressing up in the morning. Good for you to reassess after a couple of years what you like and don't like about having all of your clothes together.
I recently heard of this show
Although the examples might seem outrageous, there is certainly inspiration for our own more modest versions.
As much as our basements and garages have become the domain of our husbands, I think we should put more thought (and allow ourselves more space!) for not just the storage but also the dressing, trying on, ironing or steaming, beautifying, walks in front of a miror, taking pictures for record, etc. In other words, space (and enough of it) to be in with our clothes. We should call it girl-heavens or maiden's chambers or attire attic or___?
In this episode the woman has a champagne bar in her "closet"!!! (Lol a closet drinker). But here's an idea: why not have parties and meet our girlfriends in that space, instead of being stuck in the kitchen near our stove all the time? The men have their cooler-fridge in the basement to stock up on beer, why not a little drink bar upstairs? Am I completely insane? I think this should be granted, not just for the super rich. Guys did not wait to win the lotery to have their mancaves.
I find the pompus appellation "Walk-in closet", cooked up by some obscure real estate agents in a moment of ambitious stupor only known to them, for these often reduced, dark recesses (in which one could never actually perform the walking motion) completely insulting.
When my mom moved for retirement from an older house with multiple small broom cupboards to a more modern one she kept boasting about her "Walk-in closet". That was the first time I had heard the term. When I saw it I was rather let down: a long storage area with sliding doors along a hallway. Sure, one could "walk" in it... when it was empty!
I think it's time to start devoting more space to our hobby, and as Joy beautifully illustrates, more space doesn't equal to more clothes and more buying, au contraire.
Thank you for posting this, Joy.