Wow. I think I just figured out my aspirational style statement.

The following really resonated with me.

from Dresslover: "urban/utilitarian influence"
from Aida: metropolitan but not sporty or earthy
Angie's post on Zurich street style

I want to wear everything in the post minus the labeled bags plus color

So I think my aspirational style is:

euro chic with color and occasional edge

(occasional edge = buckles/studs on boots, funky shoes. I can remove this from the statement if these elements are allowed to be part of euro chic)

Ever since Angie dubbed my skinny jeans look 'Euro chic,' I've been re-reading all the Euro chic posts trying to figure out if this is a good direction for me. I appreciate all the clarifications here, and, Sylvie, I really like your aspirational look description. I'm thinking mine is moving in the same direction. Something like:

Euro chic with some color and occasional boho details

Sylvie, I love this. Thanks for bringing up again. I agree wholeheartedly with what you said: "want to wear everything in the post minus the labeled bags plus colour." I think I could buy into your aspirational statement completely.

And Nancylee...that looks sounds perfect for you!

The question then becomes, how to get that Eurochic look WITH colour. We saw in Krishnidoux's WIW the other day - it seemed easier to get it with black and grey. I suppose you could substitute other neutrals. But to get it with colour, must take very careful and deliberate use of colour and this is something I feel I need to learn. I am still all too often back in matchy matchy land. Showing my age!

@Suz, I think we actually have nancylee to thank for bringing this up again.

I think Euro chic has a certain sleekness to the silhouette with very little pouf. So the way I've been trying to work in the color is by maintaining that silhouette but having the clothing items themselves be colorful. Ex:

colorful scarf or shoes instead of a neutral scarf
tall dark green flat boots instead of black flat boots
purple trench instead of neutral trench

I am running into the color coordination issue though. There is the purse I love that comes in plum, dark green, black and grey.

The plum will clash with the purple coat
The dark green might be too matchy matchy with the boots?
Grey and black just feel too subdued.

Anyone else got any ideas? Or should we start a euro-chic with color thread?

Yes - let's start a new thread! I will set it up.

Yay...I'm up for this Euro Chic with a touch of color!