So glad to hear that you are buying them as they look amazing on you. Best of luck with the auction.

I am late here, but also advocate getting them in the bigger size. With such a great price, the risk is not too bad - you can always resell/consign etc., and they sound like such a signature piece.

I also want to send lots of hugs and hope that you are in a happy and healthy place. I too can not eat whens stressed, and about 7 years ago went through a really difficult period due to a devastating break-up and lost about 20lbs from my usual 110-115; so I know the situation all too well.

Agree to the size up in the R13s absolutely. Good luck with the auction!

Good luck with the auction and in your life. I am glad you are doing better.

I've been pondering this. I bought a few dresses in two sizes at NAS because I wasn't sure which would fit. I'm slowly losing weight (good). For now I'm keeping one dress in the smaller size also because I want to be sure I have this dress in a size that works when it gets colder.

I also finally bought replacement Naot sandals to replace the pair I bought as a replacement for my first pair. The newer version doesn't fit me as well, so I am glad I found mine again on Zappos.

The fact that both Zappos and Nordstrom have really good return policy helps, but also, they were nowhere near the deal you are looking at. The shoes are full price; the dress is NAS price.

Oh nooooo, I got outbid. Alas. But I will keep an eye out for another chance.

Sounds like duplicating will work well in this case. It doesn't seem to me to be a problem if you duplicated a small number of precious items that are really essential to your look/feel/just sheer getting dressed in the morning!
I actually have my fav jeans in two sizes. Allows for slight fluctuations, and, more importantly, some days I feel like tighter clothes than others