Can't do it - Did it in college - A very common college look. I do love my Birks though. I have had my birks (3 pair) re-soled and re-corked many times. They are old old and love them. It cracks me up that they are normcore.

I used to wear Birks with socks several years ago but always chose hand-knit (by others) socks in interesting colors. Too old to do it now.

I used to wear Birks with socks several years ago but always chose hand-knit (by others) socks in interesting colors. Too old to do it now.

I love it - they are like boyfriend socks. Now if they were white gym socks, nope.

I would like this look better if these socks were worn with booties or even oxfords or loafers - bur again Birks and I are not pals at all.
Actually this one looks better than Garance's which I think is pretty ugly. In this case at least the socks add some texture and interest and look intentional. I Garance's outfit they look like she could not find boots in a hurry and just put on Birks over plain socks...
Sorry, I am not THAT trendy!

We knew this had to be coming, right? This is the way the original hippies and college kids wore Birks in the fall (and sometimes winter). Heathered wool socks and Birks go together like peanut butter and jelly.

Nope. Can't do it! I lived in Germany for 12 years and have an extensive collection of unique Birks which I adore. Only German men over 65 and very young German children wear socks with their Birks. Not a good look, in my opinion!

Okay, I was all ready to scream NOOOO, but I kind of love them on that girl, in that picture. In real life I would probably hate it. I certainly wouldn't dare...

OMG, not ready for this. Sorry, but no.

Big nay from me... To me, Birks with socks brings to mind a disheveled university professor who wears his pants a couple of inches too short and hasn't combed his hair since 1960. Sorry!

Una nailed why I like it - boyfriend socks! I like the slouch and texture with the outfit.

I like this version, and we've seen Anna do socks and birksand look awesome, but I don't love when people do white socks and birks in general. Heathered socks look better.

Love reading everyone's thoughts on this. It's all so subjective and seems to relate strongly to what we have seen previously and assocations with might have with the look:)

When I did an image search for birks worn with socks, soooo many of the pictures were black birks with white socks!! I personally don't like that look.

And Garance's outfit with the birks and socks was really surprising to me, and not in a good way:( But reading the article, it's clear she a good sense of humour and possibly doesn't take herself too seriously.

It pleases me that I bought Gizehs and I absolutely can't wear socks with them...because the frump gods know I would. With baggy jeans and sweatshirts...and probably toe socks. It's a very good thing I can't.

It's the grown up version of my son wearing his Adidas flops with basketball socks, which is ok in my book because sometimes you want slip ons...with warmish feet.

I saw two magazines today listing socks and sandals as a trend. Still not sold on this one. ..

I really like this look. It is not the hippy socks with Birks look that I grew up with. It is much more modern. I am not home now but I believe the August Vogue even has a spread with white gym socks and sandals.

I like them on her. I can admire them on others. It's a nay for me, though. I'm laughing and nodding at Gigi's association--that's what I would feel like, trying to pull off this trend myself.
For you, Deborah, I can't quite see it, either. I think it's a little too unrefined for what I see as your style. Birks, yes, to contrast with your cool, drapey outfits. Chunky socks peeking out of booties, yes, for same idea. But chunky socks and Birks, not so much.

Man, you'd have to be pretty confident that your whole look was fashion-forward and chic before this wouldn't look dowdy-granola.

Edgy, sleek hair. Perfect makeup. Nothing boho in the outfit.

Frankly, being 25 or so wouldn't hurt either.