Thanks to your helpful comments on how to combat extra dry facial skin, my face looks and feels much better. After trying many of the products that were recommended and several others, I’m down to the following routine: taking fish oil capsules, drinking a little more water, using jojoba oil twice a day with super rich moisturizers AND applying Vaseline to my nose and cheek area daily.

I stopped using olive oil because I couldn’t handle the smell. Popping it into a jar with rosemary or lavender to mask the smell didn’t help either (I either reeked of roast chicken or a herb garden). I then tried products with olive oil as an ingredient to see if that worked. I also tried pure Shea butter, cocoa butter, Aquafor, apricot oil and coconut oil. The odour was an improvement, but the products weren’t effective. In desperation, I’m back to using old faithful and dirt-cheap petroleum jelly. If I leave it out and use only the other products I mentioned, my skin is still dry.

So what is a gal to do? The result of adding Vaseline to my facial routine is glowing (and I don’t mind the smell). But many of you are dead set against Vaseline because it’s not good for our health or environment. How bad can it be?