Lyn, it sounds like you are doing really great with your exercise and fitness/health routine. I think IK is right to maybe consider a trainer and be sure to be really clear with your goals with that person. Visit a local gym and ask to meet with one or two trainers just for a quick consult.

Gaining muscle does come with a weight increase for most people I think. Maybe not on Biggest Loser where they have a full staff overseeing every aspect of your diet, exercise and general routine - but in real life we typically will gain muscle first, then maybe trim some fat slowly as we reach various peaks.

I also do not own a scale and do not worry too much about weight - I get weighed at the doc's office and that's enough for me.

And having classmates who want to compare sizes or weight numbers must be so frustrating! Maybe just tell them you've matured past that need?

The number doesn't matter. It's how you look and feel.