@GirlX - Thanks! Too bad the junk at my feet doesn't go with the outfit. ;o)

@Sharon - Absolutely. I wish inspiration like that would strike me!

@Nadya - You sound like my husband, who does taxes for a living and sometimes has nightmares about dealing with the IRS. LOL.

@bella - I agree there was a lot of President Snow. I didn't mind it though, because I also thought it was setting things up for the other books, as well as helping with some of the exposition that we couldn't just have written out for us. It also helps that I think Donald Sutherland as Snow is an example of absolutely perfect casting. =o)

@Alicat - That makes me so happy! Honestly, I think that's awesome! If you don't find yourself incredibly into it at first, do keep with it. It's a quick read anyway, but I also know several people who weren't immediately drawn in, either because the prose is not so great (the story more than makes up for it, IMO, but it takes some getting used to) or for another reason. Eventually, though, everyone I know who's read it got completely sucked in and finished it very quickly. I hope you enjoy it!