We have a long weekend here and on Saturday I visited a Designer I met about a month ago. She has a lovely shop/studio in a town called Kyneton where she designs and makes her garments. She has a strong focus on Japanese design so I was kind of in my element :). Due to budget constraints (lol) I had to just 'appreciate' the items on my first visit, but on Saturday I had put some money
away for my first purchase (I have a feeling there will be more) and came home with these beautifully made Sarouel Pants.

I know these may not be everyone's cup of tea but I have longed for this design for quite some time. They are so comfortable and I love the look.

This is a casual outfit but they will work just as easily for work, going out etc.

Thanks for looking! Excited to be discovering local designers, making in Australia :). If you are interested (Victorians in particular) she is Cavaletti Gallery.


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