Really excellent. I love your confident style.

Thanks ladies! You guys make me smile.

Angie - I am definitely a 90s kid! I didn't turn 13 til '97 but i have a lot of fun memories from that time. I loooooved the Spice Girls. I still like their shoes.

Una - i bet your Target's will have these soon! I think some stores don't have their fall stuff quite out yet and others already do.

texstyle - wow, thanks! There are plenty of days when i feel i don't know quite what i'm doing with my camera but it's kind of been a trial by error process

Jenava - omg thanks so much for that info i had no idea!!!

Shannon - yes they are definitely knock off Docs. Soooooome day maybe i'll be able to have real ones.

Vicki - can't wait to see it!