Winter has set in here, and as usual I'm having to remember how to change up little details in how I get dressed. Some are obvious (layering, Cuddleduds), but others have been learned over time. Here are some of mine:

1) cashmere beanies. I love the ones from Garnet Hill because they are light, warm, and don't cause hat head. I love beanies that go with my outfit because I can wear them inside too.

2) OTK socks. When I'm walking outside in wind and snow, OTK socks under skinnies give an extra barrier to my legs where my coat doesn't cover them.

3) carrying leave-in conditioner and lotion everywhere. It's so staticky and dry, I can't do enough to compensate. Also, when I get out of the shower, I towel dry my hair, put a Morrocan oil type of product in it, then wrap it back up in a towel while I get ready. The oil absorbing into my hair really helps it stay soft and less flyaway.

I'm sure I'll think of more, but over to you - any secrets or tricks to share?