Hi! I lurked on YLF a lot about a year ago, but then grad school happened...so for all intents and purposes, I am new here.

I thought I would reenter YLF world with a question inspired by a real-life situation of mine and by one of Angie's posts from a little while back, advice about dressing for a date. (http://youlookfab.com/2011/05/.....on-a-date/) Now fast forward, it's gone really well and gotten serious, and it's time to meet your significant other's family (and hope none of them is Robert DeNiro.) What to wear? Obviously a lot of the advice for first dates applies here too...I think proper grooming should be a no-brainer, as well as dressing modestly.

But what about the "being yourself" part? If your style is artsy and flamboyant, I agree that there's no need to tone it down for your date...but what about for his/her ultra-preppy parents (for example)? I definitely feel that to a certain extent it is only considerate to be sensitive to others' cultural norms re dressing (like, if SO comes from a disadvantaged background, I probably shouldn't waltz into the family's house wearing Prada...not my situation, haha) but I'm not totally sure to what extent.

My own situation is a bit more complicated because I am not just meeting my SO's parents, I am visiting them in Mexico for a week! I am also worried that I might be judged more by what I wear because we do not have a common language (I'm learning Spanish, but not there yet...) and because, from what SO has said and a brief meeting with his parents several years ago, they take personal appearance very seriously.

I'm sure I'll be requesting more specific advice from you fab folk very soon. But for now I was just curious to hear about your own experiences meeting the parents, being the parents, or both, or any other advice!
