I've wanted a gray wool blazer for several years now. I own no blazers at all because, being very petite, I have a hard time finding tailored garments that fit. Then, because of a suggestion on YLF, I discovered that not only do we have a jcrew store in town, but they offer petites (although they don't carry petite sizes in their actual stores). There's ALWAYS stuff at jcrew that I like, so I immediately went to the website and checked it out. To my delight, they had the perfect gray blazer. Two weeks ago I went to our one and only jcrew store and one of their "style consultants" helped me with sizing. I tried on a bunch of regular sizes, and based on that he advised me to order a specific petite size.

Late yesterday afternoon, it finally came. And ladies (especially those of you who, like me, must order specialty sizes), it fit like it was MADE FOR ME. This sort of thing is very exciting for me, since it so rarely happens! So I thought I'd just pass on the info about the jcrew style consultants, in case you didn't know about them, because they really can help you get it right before you make a web order. This is the main reason I don't generally order off websites: I have a hard time selecting the correct size, and shipping to and from Canada is expensive. (Plus I'm allergic to the actual process of returning things). I imagine they can help with other things, too, and apparently you can make an appointment with one ahead of time. Not as good as bringing Angie along with you, but we can't all do that.

ETA: Also, if you go to a jcrew store and they place your order for you, shipping is free. Even to Canada. Bonus!