Blah times a billion! This kind of thing makes me sick, along with telling me to smile. Why do men do this all over the world? And you can't turn the tables because the power dynamic is one way. I just read an article about why men send women pictures of their, er, parts and it basically said that men assume everyone thinks like they do - like "I want her to send me a pic, so I'll send her one!" Ugh. So sorry yet another Fabber has been subjected to stupidity.

What a slimeball! I would have reacted in the same way. It's just so shocking that you're caught off guard. How demeaning.

How awful. I am so sorry it happened to you. Yuck.

That is awful. I hate that. I was telling my hairdresser I've experienced more harassment since lightening my hair....I've had an older man waggle his tongue at me, people call out "nice bum" and other things. She who is about 20 years younger than me said "that must be fun". I said "no I feel vulnerable and harrassed"

Sigh, what on earth is wrong with people! I am so sorry this happened to you, Janet-(((

Thanks, all. I knew I'd find sympathetic ears here.

It's certainly not the first time I've gotten comments from men out on the street -- try going for a run around any city and it's inevitable. Maybe the form-fitting workout gear is just too hard to ignore. But there is a spectrum of behavior ranging from "acknowledging glance" to "hey, how ya doin'" to "leer and rude remark," and most of what I've encountered is closer to the benign side of that spectrum. And for crap sake, I'm a lumpy middle-aged woman! I can't help but wonder what the cute young women get thrown at them.

Sorry to read this, Janet. Wrong, wrong wrong. Where is written that women going about their business are just waiting for commentary on their appearance, etc???

As always, the remarks say more about the speaker than the recipient.


Of course, y'all realise some sister along the way responded positively to this behavior...the same sister who gets dates driving 75 mph on the freeway...

Wow, what a creep! That would totally freak me out. Not only harassment but sexism too.

That was pure harassment, what a lousy jerk. You look wonderful, Janet, his comment is about him and not about you. I always thought that as I got older
I would get less stupid comments but I still get some. I also have a bitchy face that can chase them away and keep me safe, it's good for those situations.

Wow, so much shit, Janet, Angie, and many more.
So sorry.

Such a creep! Ugh! Harrasment, sexism, male entitlement...

Yuck! I'm very sorry you had to experience such a rude comment.

Janet I am so sorry. It always shocking when people comment about others appearances.

Ugh! I'm so sorry that happened!

Sometimes I want to carry an air horn and give rude people an earful of that!

Very rude and in such bad taste.

It is not right but it is the very rude world we live in.

I am sorry this happened to you Janet. People are stupid and rude.

I am really sorry that happened to you .
I am convinced that one of th reasons I am a bit overweight is that I had so unwelcome, rude, and downright scary experiences and comments about my body when I was younger. A little weight shielded me from that.
I don't understand where men get the Idea that it is ok or even a compliment to say things like that,
If my boys did that to someone I would have their heads.