Hi all! I've been absent for so long, but I wanted you to know that I think of you often. I'm especially sorry to read about Suz' mom.

Last summer, I got to a point where I was just so saturated with my desire for clothing and appearance, that I had to go the other way. It was an instant realization (I blogged about it, too). I had an unhealthy obsession, but somehow I was able to shake it. I guess the timing was right.

I went back to clothing and outfits that made me happy, and that I felt comfortable in. But what always sticks with me is how much YLF helped me get to a style level that I liked and enjoyed! I did go back to t-shirts, cardigans, and jeans, because that's what I love. I ditched trying to wear jackets, jewelry, etc., because it was becoming so stressful and all-consuming. Even my husband noted at one point that I looked softer, less harsh. Fewer zippers and angles, LOL. But this time around, the cardigans and jeans weren't frumpy the way they were when I wore them years ago.

I never did get to a minimalist wardrobe, but that's no longer my goal. I took up a bit of the Konmari mantra -- does this item spark joy? And if not, it goes right into the donation pile.

I still peek here now and again to see what you all are finding and wearing. I hope you are all doing well!