There's nothing more soothing (for me) than sorting through my wardrobe on a sunny Sunday, so I took a few minutes to check my goal numbers against what I actually have in my wardrobe. I'm not far off in most respects, which is not surprising since I picked them to be reasonable compared to what I own. I suspect that I'm missing a few things since I didn't go systematically through the dirty laundry, just used my memory.

I was over (by more than one) in the following categories:
3-season woven shirts - yeah, I've got a lot of these
graphic tees - surprised me, and I'm only counting the 'cute' ones, not the ones I only work out in
summer dresses - I'm supposed to have 6 and I have 9, whoops
outerwear - I just did a quick count of the coat closet, since they're all packed away, but man I've got too many coats! I need to figure out a seasonal distribution and figure out which ones overlap in function
I culled some ancient shorts and a few more pieces of 'low-hanging fruit' but man, I've got a lot of clothes.

Here's where I was noticeably low:
flats that aren't sandals or ballet flats - I have none! I really need to diversify my shoes
sneakers - I should refresh both my gear and cute sneaks - I always say that and then end up spending my money elsewhere

I also realized that I probably need to count layering tanks, since I've got several cotton ribbed ones that I do wear alone, or alone most of the day, on hot summer days.

Nonetheless I'm pretty happy in general with this - I think I can continue to use these numbers to help me shop and cull. I don't plan on forcing myself to get rid of something that's still good and that I'm wearing just to match a precise number, but I definitely won't be buying anything new unless it fits in the scheme.