Hi everyone! I know I haven't been posting much lately, so I feel bad jumping in randomly with a question, but nevertheless here I am.

I have a hair appointment in a few hours and I'm planning on getting my hair highlighted -- the first time I've ever done any kind of coloring. Basically, I'm getting some noticeable grays and would kind of like them to be, you know, less noticeable. I talked about it with the stylist the last time I was in for a cut and my plan is for subtle reddish highlights that will blend into my dark brown hair, since that will require less upkeep than just trying to replicate my natural hair color exactly, and also seems a bit more fun. I do want to keep things very subtle and natural, though.

Does anyone have any advice on this process? Suggestions for things I should tell the stylist? And, yeah, maybe I should have posted this earlier than literally the morning of the appointment, but planning has never been my strong suit.

Recent-ish picture of me with a close-up of my hair is here.

Hope everyone is doing well and happy 4th of July to those in the U.S.!