When I was dating the biggest deal breaker was men who were BO-RING. One guy took me on a DATE to COSTCO where he shopped in earnest for his groceries, and then to Sportsman's Warehouse where he carried on a soliloquy on the merits of various ice chests, ultimately leaving empty-handed, paralyzed by indecision. Um, buh-bye.

DH is endlessly entertaining and always gracious, so I don't really care what shoes he wears.

The only thing that is a deal *maker* for me is .... Being a kind hearted human being. No matter what or who he is dealing with.

I can overlook the rest :). I am a very difficult person myself! BTW, I have only ever known and dated my DH. So my knowledge is kind of limited!

Cary - that is so funny. Funny to me because I LOVE that sort of thing for a date. It all comes out at Costco...

Me, too! I love a good Costco date. Where else to stock up on the giant size packages of gin and saltines?

It's not Costco's fault. I do love Costco. But... toilet paper on a second date. I don't know. I guess the reality was that he was just boring, period. I did get the monster pack of Trident gum on that trip, so not a total loss.

I could have gone on a Costco date with my husband (before we were married) and had a blast! Going to the dump is fun with him.

I think that's really the key. There's a very nice man with whom I've gone out a few times, and we always do these super fun things (Hollywood Bowl, dinner with very fun mutual friends, etc) but at the end of the day he's a tiny bit boring and there's definitely no spark there. I think "makes even a trip to Costco fun and exciting" may have to go on my "must have" list!

Lol the Costco trip might not have crossed him off my list but the ice-chest soliloquy probably would have.

Like MsMary says, the right guy to my mind is someone who makes toilet paper shopping, waiting in line at the DMV, visiting the dump, all the boring and onerous day to day tasks a lot more fun than doing them on your own, just by being there and being himself.

Ohmigosh, giant size gin-and-saltines from Costco! Woohoo! That is *like* the pinnacle of life.

...Oh hey, wait-up, Mo! That is sooooooo true about Californians from birth: Ex b.f. and I had mini fights about water. So NOT OK to run the water.