Spinning off of Una's post on what you always love to buy: what are those things you can barely force yourself to buy, even if you desperately need them?

Me, I really really really hate buying underwear. There, I've said it. I wait and wait and then buy a huge, hulking, bulk utilitarian stack of them to replace the whole lot at once. I simply cannot be bothered with clothing not visible to the public.

I also hate buying basics. They are the hardest thing to source for me, because without all the bells & whistles, they have to hide all my flaws and keep me comfy with very little to go on. PLUS they are so dang boring to look at. I only force myself to find them after the discomfort of going without reaches critical mass.

Warm weather clothing. Makes no sense living where I do, but summer clothing bores me to tears, and I take it as a personal affront that my body instantly becomes my main accessory. I am hardly willing to part with any moolah for summer wear... in the land of endless summer. o_0

Over to you - what do you procrastinate on buying?