As off topic as you can get... after getting skunked for the zillonth time last week, skunky pup may have learned finally... we were just out for our walk and there was a skunk right there and for once Lilypup stopped short and turned off to sniff a bush. We walked not 15 ft in front of it.

And last we week I think she knew what was coming. Ran all over the backyard and tried to bury herself in the dirt. But no such luck for her: she got a good soaking in skunk off.

Probably not tho. The skunk was very calm. There is some herding instinct I think in Lilypup. If a thing stands still, then she's satisfied. She doesn't want to catch anything.

There was also a big dog out just standing there by itself, later on our walk. That was pretty weird. Not that kind of neighborhood. My old neighborhood, there was a sign for a missing pet on every lamppost... and also missing giant cactii...