I've also picked this Labor day weekend to do a closet clean out. Figured I'd start my own thread on this.

Step 1 - Mental Pre-prep
I began this yesterday without even lifting a finger: I planned out on "paper" what my core pieces are going to be this Fall, and thoroughly thought through what I might purge that did not fit with my color scheme, current lifestyle, and current figure requirements. I had to do this mentally first, because if I don't, then I just know I will react impulsively and vote to "keep" items I shouldn't.

Step 2 - Empty closet
I took EVERYTHING out of my closet. I emptied it completely. I got this idea yesterday from a comment Angie made about putting everything on a rack and then adding into your closet only those items you love or wear. What a brilliant idea! I knew instantly that starting with a blank slate is exactly what I need to do! Mentally, emotionally, it just feels right.

Unfortunately I do not have such a rack handy, so as I type this, my dining room table is covered in stacks of clothing..... in piles by type. I have a plan in mind for how I'm going to tackle these piles, but the important step was just to take everything out of the closet without getting stuck going over every individual piece just yet.

Step 3 - Clean closet
I gave the closet a good thorough cleaning. Wow, was it dusty!! Especially the top shelf, which I need a ladder to reach -- out of sight, out of mind!

Step 4 - Take a break

Step 5 - Start putting things back in: the Plan of Attack
Normally I tackle the cull by item type - dresses, then skirts, then pants, etc etc... this time, I'm going to tackle by color, using the Vivienne Files, Into the Mind, and similar capsule color strategies as a guideline. Going through those sites yesterday as part of the mental pre-prep helped tremendously. I'm not necessarily going to limit my wardrobe to a set number of garments, but use this as a starting point to focus my wardrobe and help curate it down to manageable levels.

I'm going to see if I can actually organize my closet according to colors, rather than item type. Not sure it will work with my limited space, but I'm going to give it a try, because I can see how this would make dressing -- and packing for business trips -- very efficient. I suspect the only way I could do this is if I minimized my wardrobe dramatically. We shall see.

Goes without saying I'll also be pulling out anything that no longer fits, is wrong season, I never wear, is past its prime, etc. However I will very likely create a pile of classic items that I know *will* fit me if I drop a few pounds, and put those away in storage for that eventuality. I will not save anything that fit poorly even when I was lighter.

That's my plan - please chime in if you have any suggestions! I will check back again at my next break, or if I get stuck.

Back to the closet....