For fun purely. I was thinking on my little epiphany on how we tend to duplicate a look we like and are comfortable with. And maybe this is partly why we sometimes have trouble cobbling together outfits that are outside of our everyday norm, activity wise. There are the obvious, like job interviews, weddings, funerals. But, what other occasions have caught you off guard, left you scratching your head while staring into your closet?
I can think of the painting situation Carter had yesterday, for instance.

For me, sporting events can sometimes leave me scratching my head. Sure, I go to them, but in varying cities for varying teams, so it's not like I have a jersey or even team colors. And often, it's in a city where we are doing other activities afterwards. For instance, we might see baseball indoors at Tropicana Field, but couple that with shopping at Nordies' and/or lunch or dinner at a more upscale restaurant.

What recent occasion(s) caught you off guard? What did you wear? What would have have liked to wear, if you could magically have anything at your disposal?